

主演:Evelien Bosmans、Daphne Wellens、Patrick Vervueren

导演:肖毅,菅原卓磨,Sabrina Sato


《查莉和汉娜的伟大狂欢夜》影片介绍:Belgian director/screenwriter Bert Scholiers jumps all over the place in his imaginative feature debut. One moment we are in an Antwerp pub, the next we are walking across an expanse of snow, then in a cosmic black hole or chasing a flying pineapple. This is how best friends Charlie and Hannah’s drink-fuelled night pans out after swallowing a magical sweet that changes the world surrealistically – also for everyone around them. The laconic twenty-somethings respond to these events with amused amazement (whether they wind up in a pre-war brothel or are blown to smithereens by an atom bomb), all the while sauntering along and discussing the really important stuff: dealing with exes and relationships. Like a tripping Woody Allen or Noah Baumbach, Scholiers plays with form, using inventive visual humour, colour and black-and-white, switching aspect ratios and referring to silent movies and Italian giallo horror.... 详情



  • 风起天阑:刚刚
    2003年4月,客串台湾中视偶像剧,在剧中扮演惊才绝艳的顾惜朝 。
  • 我就是正义:1分钟前
  • 黑岩罗樵森:7分钟前
  • 酒与茶:3分钟前
    5 找个一个名叫安娜什么的电影,我忘了,是一个小女孩很厉害,被什么抓去了,但后来又桃了出来,欧美的,
  • 一把泥刀:2分钟前
    求助一部美国电影片名 记得有一幕是小孩许了一个愿,结果天上下了一堆的巧克力,是一部搞笑魔法电影
  • 简约白:7小时前
    主人公尤里奥洛夫(Yuri Orlov)在少年时跟随家人从欧洲移居美国。
  • 南灯:3小时前
    她什 么事情都自己做,确实很辛苦,我经常都会给她带些礼物回来,可 她的脾气却一天比一天暴躁。
  • 木剑老道:2小时前
  • 了然无尘:7小时前
    바이바이 (ByeBy- 추가열 如果你要歌曲 我也可以上传到这。
  • 在我眼里:1天前


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